Thursday, July 31, 2008

Welcome to my world

It is amazing that when you are frustrated, stressed, and as if people are listening to anything you say, I start a blog on my world. I have been meaning to start this along time ago, but I must get the thoughts and ideas out to the world!

I have found that the two biggest problems in our world is greed and lack of communication. When money is the central to your decisions, or lack there of, more than taking that leap of faith and just shocking victory. Now everything has a price on its head. I saw on Utube a lady sueing Victoria Secret because her thong hit her in the eye. Who in there right mind does that. It is because we look for that quick cash, the luxury of not having to work, have "power to do what we want, and over others! No wonder alot of religious people think we are in the last days.

With the lack of communication. I have found when people are set on there ways, they just don't listen, or even agree with you. I talked with someone at work today, and repeated the same words out of my mouth 3 times, and they still didn't listen to What was being said, rather just listening to them talk.

I find it funny that people have to make others feel bad, so they can feel good. Isn't that always the case. You can tell that my day didn't end well. It pretty much came down to lack of comminication, and stiring the pot.

I am excited to put my thoughts and ideas on this. Feel free to reply!